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Browse all the latest content related to Depression.
Last Minutes of her Sufferings
I'm lying on the bed, thinking about her About how I miss her, I love her so much She means everything to me, my life is her But she's been miserable lately...
am i the bad one here? asking for help
so, i have a co-worker that i don’t really like. mainly for the fact that she slacks off quite a lot and doesn’t have a common sense (or is just lazy to do...
Pin cushion
In life, everyone has the purpose. I was born to be a pincushion. I tried to put all these feelings behind me. All I ever want was a normal life. But somehow,...
nothings really going right in life, ive been using this site for 3 years. im now 16 with 14 attempts. everyone said id be okay, it just never worked out. now m...
My Unsent Letter
I love you so much. But sometimes i wonder if my time has come. I think about if it's easier to say goodbye or just write a note and leave without warning. Wha...
is it normal to feel this way? asking for help
“is it normal to feel a bit of jealousy when a friend would reject your invite to a shared hobby, but goes out with her other friends?” it’s been a dec...
5 years and counting. And the depression is still kicking around. The people I want to just even have a small chance of friendship still hover about. I...
Thank you.
D - I can barely say your full name without it hurting me. Weve known eachother for over 10 years now, and i consider you my closest friend. Ive always been alo...
I can't go on this way.
This is the first time I've asked for help. I don't want her to see. In order to explain this properly, I have to explain a few thing about myself and our fa...
The shadows inside
its like a deep almost endles hole you keep falling in and once you fell into that hole there is no way back you just go deeper and deeper the thoughts c...