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My biggest regret is...
My biggest regret is going into a friendship that was super toxic, and then being manipulated by her, and dating her for a while....
One thing that people don't understand about me
I don’t think that people understand that I’m an extremely extroverted person but I can live without people around me 24/7. People assume that just because...
A memory I would like to forget
Eh.. Um... I wish I could forget that I asked my friend what ILY meant. Turns out it meant I love you and she was confessing to me over text, she forgot about i...
What hurts me the most is...
stubbing my toe :( mentally would be when someone says or does something when they know it is hurting me. it feels like a stab in the back. or when they say...
What scares me the most is...
The fact that this could all be a dream and I actually fell into a deep coma when I was hit by a car back when I was nine and haven’t woken up since....
If a genie could grant me 3 wishes, they would be...
Wish 1- I wish I had a wallet that would give me endless 20$ bills Wish 2- I wish I could have infinite wishes Wish 3- I wish I had an alpaca farm in Japa...
All the things I wish I could say on social media but usually keep to ...
Hmmm.... interesting promt, Novni! Well here goes.... 1) i wish I could say that I’m being bullied by my “best friend” as she likes to call herself 2...
I believe that my purpose in life is to...
Disappear into the quicksands......
What I think "fear" means
Some people think fear is paralyzation, turning into an openmouthed gargoyle, staring off in disbelief. Fear to me is the opposite. Fear is running around and d...
Advice for my younger self
Dear Young Rose, You are so strong. Really! Like, superhuman strength. Out of this world. You can achieve anything, regardless of whatever...