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i have this best friend we have been friends for almost 2 years, there have been more than a couple of times where he has told me that he’s in love with me, he dates other girls all the time and asks me for an opinion on them, or to guide him, and obviously i support him a 100% because he loves those girls, i always support him in everything, every relationship, every girl etc.
recently i started talking to this really nice guy who’s v v attractive and has the same likes and dislikes as me, we have a really good connection and i thought i’d share with my best friend and ask for his opinion on the guy, well needless to say he just flat out told me “not to trust him, and he sounds unreliable” and got in my head like i never put him down for all the girls he dates who cheat on him all the time because i support him, but im very upset because of all the things he said to me. and its not even about some guy he does this in everything that he can control on me. can someone please guide me? does my friend truly have the best intention for me?
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maybe ask him why he think so
Replygirl i've had a similar situation like this. if you have a guy friend who says he's in love with you he DOES NOT have good intentions. and what's up with him dating other girls while he's saying that to you? if you're not interested in that way, DROP HIM. he's just going to keep being controlling and acting like you guys are dating when you're not!!
ReplyI feel like your friend is going to continue to be controlling if he wants to be with you. I have found the best solution is to talk about it. Straight up tell him everything you wrote in this post. See what his response is and then ask yourself is this person truly for me and what is best for me. If the answer is no, then you might just have to let him go. I would think that it might be hard for him as well if he continuously is around you but has feelings that are more. Maybe he gets these other girls to try to make you jealous in hopes that you would admit you have feelings for him as well. Good luck!! :)
Replyask him about his feelings towards and try to come to a conclusion. ask him why he says he loves you but shows no signs of commitment towards you. also, keep talking to that guy you've found, he seems lovely