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You've Survived 100% of Your Worst Days
By Novni Community Member
I don't always think positively. In fact, I hardly ever do. Whenever I come across someone that is facing some sort of difficulty, I usually know what to say to them. I always have this superficial explanation of how the world works, and it tends to end upon the lines of "hey, it always gets better".
I call bull$%!#, but hey... it helps for most. The funny thing is... things do usually get better. I notice that there are a few skeptics, but hear me out.
We only feel like things don't get better because new problems constantly pile up upon us. When we keep getting bombarded we feel like there is never a break, and that feeling forces us to perceive things never getting better. Think back to a time when you fell off your bike, got your heart broken, failed a test, or when something really awful happened.
Where are these problems now?
Everything I just said was in past tense. And now that you are remembering all this, whatever it may be, it was also in the past. Looking back there ought to be some point where you thought you couldn't make it another day. I'm here to tell you that you drastically underestimate your strength. You're here reading this right now, which means you've survived every single one of your worst days.
By now you've most likely all but forgotten these problems and are stumbling through life like the rest of us. That problem is the last thing on your mind. Didn't it get better then?
Take a second, step back, and think for a bit. I have problems. You have problems. We all do. Big or small, there will always be issues you'll have to deal with. Even the richest people in the world have their share of problems. Nobody is exempt from this.
Looking back on your life, how many problems once existed and have since faded? I could also make the same argument for the current problems you are facing, because ten years down the line they won't be there. They'll be nothing but a memory, and you'll be facing new problems. That my friends, is life.
Nothing to fret over. Nothing to be concerned about. It is just life. It doesn't mean we can't be happy though, of course we can! We can find happiness despite all of our problems. Even just knowing that this time of difficulty will pass can make you happy. Smiling at another person can make the two of you happy. Loving can make us happy. The list goes on and on.
Our problems will always exist, but by accepting them and knowing that they will pass will let you focus on the important things in life. I believe that one day we'll all look back and think to ourselves, "Wow...that was tough. I have no idea how I overcame all those challenges, but I'm glad that I never gave up".