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Seeking Help
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Dying to the Death
I'm dead — mentally, spiritually, and almost non-figuratively. I spent years roleplaying and fooling around and being a child, and now that it's time to be...
Hello again Novni....
Yeaaaay, it's been a while since the last time i left and forgot my password to login to this lovely website. Finally, after a couple years, i want to go on my...
Please help! It's literally eating me and i feel I have lost myself.
I come from a well educated but traditional Indian family, so, I believe people belonging to my kind of upbringing might relate more, but of someone's from a ve...
I'm so stressed, I was never very stressed before, I was sad - but com...
Hi, I'm 18, I'm a guy and I suffer from depression and ADD, however - for a while this was, as sad as it sounds; comfortable. I'm going to try and explain why I...
I don't know what to do.
Today is my brothers birthday. My mom and dad got in a fight usually they just have an argument, one of them apologizes, boom. Problem solved. But this one is...
should i be concerned? please read.
i've recently have developed these strange personal occurrences, it has been happening for about a few months now. I don't know what is wrong with me, it feels...
When is it enough!!?
Why can't those involved take responsibility for theie bullshit in ruining my life!? You've INTENTIONALLY defamed, harassed,sabotaged, manipulated, violate...
Tolerated and coped with enough toxic bullshit from other people.
I want to know who's been messing with me, my life both online and out in public all this time. I think this person and/or group of people who hate me have g...
My Unsent Letter
Lately, I don't feel so good about myself. I'm probably crying even when I'm writing this and the reason is I'm losing control over myself and there's no one to...
Reach out without fear?
I really am unsure of what I can do to reach out for professional help without turning away out of my fears,trust issues and paranoia. How do I reduce my anx...