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A nomad's eyes...
I've been wrangling with work issues for several months, at a job that clearly cares nothing for the psychological (or emotional) health of its employees. I say...
What is this?
So, in January, I became suicidal because of very poor choices I made, and I had thought that I couldn’t live knowing I did wrong. Well, fast forward to M...
Not sorry I cheated on my first husband to find my second
He's my joy. His guitar playing, the way he looks after my son, his laid back attitude, the way he understands me. I've never known true love like this. I fell...
Nearly two years...
I've been posting on this site for nearly two years, and it's been a blast. Independence Day weekend 2019 saw my first post. Can't remember how I found this si...
I really don't understand...
I really don't understand why people are following this new culture of fear. Yes, I'm conservative. Yes, I supported Trump, and to some degree I still do. No...
Better Without Me- Letter to absent Father
Dear Paternal DNA Donor. How was your life. Was it all you wanted. Was it Better with out me. Did you think of how your absence would affect my life or did...
Where am I? For I have fallen so far...
Where am I? For I have fallen so far... My heart has grown dark, sheltering itself in its own evil, seeking its own perverse desires, an uncaring temperament...
College Struggles
Background: I am a 19 year old female who lives with her parent's still. I am now in my second semester of [online] college. The first semester my parents wer...
Lost lamb
I'm not sure if any one here is a Christian, a female and a porn addict. i really hate to put all of these in one sentence. I don't know how long its going to...
Ruminating thoughts - Dear M
So I just want to let you know that I'm scared of you. I have really tried to leave the past in the past but I have moments when it hits me and I'm struck wi...